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Aito Guerrier du Pacifique

Aito, Warriors from Pacific,
90 mn HD Documentary.

About 3,000 years ago, a group of navigators left Southeast Asia by dugout canoe. Braving the oceans, traveling thousands of kilometers by the stars alone, they discovered the islands of Polynesia. Only the most valiant survived this journey.
Their reputation was born: strength and courage. A legend even says that they were as strong as the wood of their weapons: ironwood, better known in Tahiti as Aito.

Today, they are fighting around the world, far away from the beaches and sun of the South Pacific. Symbols of courage, abnegation and sacrifice, they protect our way of life under the colors of the French flag.
Aito, Warrior of the Pacific is a 90 mn documentary that follows the daily destiny of 5 Aito. From Auxonne to Kabul, a year-long adventure spent alongside these soldiers from the ends of the earth.

Aito guerrier du pacifique
Kabul, Afghanistan 2011

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